I am an advocate for
We are all worthy of love, and it’s my goal to reflect that through living a truthful life, delivering compassionate and honest messages through Tarot Coaching Sessions, creative writing, poetry and more.

Enthusiasm is my gasoline
Joy my needed evergreen
Faith, my trusted confidant
Hope, she rises more than not
Courage paves the forward path
Humor applies the hearty laugh
Love directs and brings the “wow!”
We all join hands and take a bow
poetry, tarot and an online journal laid bare.
Join me on this crazy adventure, but only if you dare.
(Not everything will rhyme all the time, to this I solemnly swear.)

What does hope feel like? The sun's warmth our skin after emerging from an over-air-conditioned room. The deep breath before walking into a big meeting. The final clump of damp dirt on top of freshly planted seeds. A random refund check you find in the mail. A really big, long hug from someone after you've told them (or they've told you) "I'm sorry."

The Fool
He stops at the cliff’s edge
Nary a worry in his sight
Innocent and free
His currency is glee
Worlds to discover
Lessons to uncover
Today, the Fool is me

The Gratitudes
They sit in the back
Quiet and observing
Soft and deserving
Like velvet blankets
Of grace, ever-serving
No flash, no pomp
No circumstance here
Just holding space
For the absence of fear

Grace is unconditional love in action. Grace is kindness where it matters most and expected least. Grace is unquestioned acceptance, immediate forgiveness, merciful kindness that coincides with the exact moment it's needed. Grace is the best example of free will in both giving and receiving. It's an offering that leaves an instant lift in the spirit for both parties involved in its exchange.
take the lead